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Week 4 (Giac Lam Pagoda)

No One Touches My Helmet
So this weekend Teddy got a bike

Dude on Proper Bike
A proper one (Honda Airblade, 110 cc)

Happy Days
Which of course he loves

Giac Lam Buddha and Stupa
So we decided to go on a road trip

To see a seven-story stupa

Giac Lam Pagoda
At a place called Giac Lam

Giac Lam Buddha

This Dude
As usual it was full of Buddhas

Buddha Array
I mean full of Buddhas

Teatime at the Temple
We arrived at teatime

Giac Lam Interior
The pagoda was built in 1744

Shoes Off Please
In what was then a jungle

The Fylfot
There are your usual right-hand swastikas

Mausoleum Detail
And some very unusual ceramics

Chinese Plates
Janette asked for more of these

Chinese Plate Thing
So I'm being obliging

Food for the Dead
It's important to leave out food

Altar of Dead Souls
For those who precede you in death

Funeral Urn
Haunting images are everywhere

Egg Lamp
This beauty was in the main pagoda

Bodhi Tree
Imported from Sri Lanka

Trapping Birds
Don't go trapping birds

Cause of Orphanhood
Or this will happen to you

Dork on Rented Bike
Don't pretend to look cool

Vespa Tour
Or you will have to go on a Vespa Tour
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